


Supply Chain Managers need a global control and visibility on the whole chain, regardless of the 3PL providers they have selected. Relying on smart features and advanced connectivity capabilities becomes a strategic issue.Constant changes in International regulations, data ownership and centralization, willingness to be agile, makes classic Transport Management Solutions too rigid.

PRISM experts are available to understand your activity specifics, your challenges and expectations. Every customer is a single and specific case for Prism.

In-house Link4PL offers a large panel of self-operated transport management solutions: 

  • Real time Track & Trace data centralization in a single tool
  • Cost structure harmonization to simplify budget monitoring 
  • KPI’s unification to give a realistic and global performance view
  • Environmental footprint reduction: report and decision support
  • Real time cash flow mobilization

The B2B transport digitalization sector is currently very dynamic, offering global solutions or very specialized ones, in very technical domains. Every month, new solutions appear via new start-ups but also within the offer of historical players, precisely responding to the market evolution.

Aiming to respond to its customer’s needs and priorities PRISM offers an alternative to its LinK4PL solution, suggesting to its customers a partnership with the most relevant existing solution on the market (based on customer’s requirements): best in class approach.


Predictive data, label editing, geolocation, CO2 emissions or pallet management. These technologies constantly enrich the supply chain data.



A single tool connects all the actors of the Supply-Chain, whatever the selected transport mode, and whoever the used Service Provider (once he’s connected). This brings global E2E visibility, improve cost control and management, makes global performance management for all the Service Providers possible.



Some of the platforms are less generics, more specialists and focus their offer on visibility, cost and performance management for road or sea-freight. This can be very useful for some heavy industries.

PRISM can, either integrate this external IT solution as a module of its commercial proposal, in a fully transparent manner, or leave the customer to buy the solution on its own.
This is a real alternative which leaves the customer choosing its solution benefitting of PRISM’s expertise in Supply-Chain execution solutions.


PRISM developed a pragmatic innovation program for Flows optimization & anticipation using predictive analytics models to anticipate and optimize flows & orders and propose alternative scenarios when needed.

PRISM hubs are studying the reliability of the forecast of global transport requests from customers. The aim is to explain the prediction faults of our clients by identifying the criteria generating a poor fulfillment of transport requests, as for final objective of making its future forecast more reliable.